Lawrence Lessig
Free Culture
How big media use technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity
CHAPTER ONE: Creators 21
CHAPTER TWO: Mere Copyists 31
CHAPTER THREE: Catalogs 48
CHAPTER FOUR: Pirates 53
Film 53
Recorded Music 55
Radio 58
Cable TV 59
Piracy I 63
Piracy II 66
CHAPTER SIX: Founders 85
CHAPTER SEVEN: Recorders 95
CHAPTER EIGHT: Transformers 100
CHAPTER NINE: Collectors 108
CHAPTER TEN: Property 116
Why Hollywood Is Right 124
Beginnings 130
Law: Duration 133
Law: Scope 136
Law and Architecture: Reach 139
Architecture and Law: Force 147
Market: Concentration 161
Together 168
Constraining Creators 184
Constraining Innovators 188
Corrupting Citizens 199
Us, Now 276
Rebuilding Freedoms Previously Presumed:
Examples 277
Rebuilding Free Culture: One Idea 282
At the end of his review of my first book, Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, David Pogue, a brilliant writer and author of countless technical and computer-related texts, wrote this:
Unlike actual law, Internet software has no capacity to punish. It doesnt affect people who arent online (and only a tiny minority of the world population is). And if you dont like the Internets
system, you can always flip off the modem.
Pogue was skeptical of the core argument of the bookthat software, or code, functioned as a kind of lawand his review suggested the happy thought that if life in cyberspace got bad, we could always drizzle, drazzle, druzzle, drome-like simply flip a switch and be back home. Turn off the modem, unplug the computer, and any troubles that exist in that space wouldnt affect us anymore.
Pogue might have been right in 1999Im skeptical, but maybe. But even if he was right then, the point is not right now: Free Culture is about the troubles the Internet causes even after the modem is turned off. It is an argument about how the battles that now rage regarding life on-line have fundamentally affected people who arent online. There is no switch that will insulate us from the Internets effect.
But unlike Code, the argument here is not much about the Internet itself. It is instead about the consequence of the Internet to a part of our tradition that is much more fundamental, and, as hard as this is for a geek-wanna-be to admit, much more important.
That tradition is the way our culture gets made. As I explain in the pages that follow, we come from a tradition of free culturenot free as in free beer (to borrow a phrase from the founder of the freesoftware movement), but free as in free speech, free markets, free trade, free enterprise, free will, and free elections. A free culture supports and protects creators and innovators. It does this directly by granting intellectual property rights. But it does so indirectly by limiting the reach of those rights, to guarantee that follow-on creators and innovators remain as free as possible from the control of the past. A free culture is not a culture without property, just as a free market is not a market in which everything is free. The opposite of a free culture is a permission culturea culture in which creators get to create only with the permission of the powerful, or of creators from the past.
If we understood this change, I believe we would resist it. Not we on the Left or you on the Right, but we who have no stake in the particular industries of culture that defined the twentieth century. Whether you are on the Left or the Right, if you are in this sense disinterested, then the story I tell here will trouble you. For the changes I describe affect values that both sides of our political culture deem fundamental. We saw a glimpse of this bipartisan outrage in the early summer of 2003. As the FCC considered changes in media ownership rules that would relax limits on media concentration, an extraordinary coalition generated more than 700,000 letters to the FCC opposing the change.
As William Safire described marching uncomfortably alongside CodePink Women for Peace and the National Rifle Association, between liberal Olympia Snowe and conservative Ted Stevens, he formulated perhaps most simply just what was at stake: the concentration of power. And as he asked,
Does that sound unconservative? Not to me. The concentration of powerpolitical, corporate, media, culturalshould be anathema to conservatives. The diffusion of power through local control, thereby encouraging individual participation, is the essence of federalism and the greatest expression of democracy.
This idea is an element of the argument of Free Culture, though my focus is not just on the concentration of power produced by concentrations in ownership, but more importantly, if because less visibly, on the concentration of power produced by a radical change in the effective scope of the law. The law is changing; that change is altering the way our culture gets made; that change should worry youwhether or not you care about the Internet, and whether youre on Safires left or on his right.
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