About our Site …
Currently the ask23! repository holds over 6500 resources: full texts, facsimiles, audio and video files, as well as references to analog and external resources representing both contemporary and historically significant discourses and authors. Ask23! also provides exclusive accessibility to the posthumous writings of the prominent German Romantic painter P.O. Runge (1777—1810) as well as to the hitherto unpublished theoretical legacy of the major German abstract artist Adolf Hölzel (1853—1934).
„Es muss die Kunst die Reflexion sich einverleiben und so weit treiben, dass sie nicht länger als ein ihr Äusserliches, Fremdes über ihr schwebt; das heisst heute Ästhetik.“
— T. W. Adorno
All available text and information (= resources) in ask23! is stored in specific archival repositories. These may be browsed either via a table of contents, freely chosen keywords, or through a controlled system of subject headings. In connection with its taxonomical structure and numerous cross references,the alphabetical subject catalogue that has been developed specifically for ask23 provides a highly differentiated tool for research as well as a comprehensive description of the contained subjects with metadata following the internationally approved bibliographical standards of the Qualified Dublin Core. It offers an extensive overview of topics regarding art and art theory, while enabling a targeted search for relevant texts that are partially available also in analog formats.
Furthermore, the ArtSystemArchive allows the uncomplicated publication of information under a Creative Commons license. Dynamic functions such as self-publishing, a feedback function for every resource, a context-related reference system, and the possibility to create personal collections (research lists and e-Reserves, among others) also enable an interactive use of ask23, which in the process of practical application can continue to evolve. The combination, required in the field of art research, of systematic scientific research methods with the more intuitive, associative approach inherent to art, is an intrinsic structural feature of ask23.
Ask23! is certified as a document and publication repository by the German Initiative for Network Information (DINI).
The archive system ask23! is listed in the data base of the research infrastructure portal of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) DFG.